Tuesday, January 30, 2007


my food buddy! (always hunting for my food)
hmm..atul ..10th topper...great guy...loves food as much as he loves talking about it...a very 'braceful' smile he's got! .....thanks for being a great tomidachi !

khana bhalo bashi(he loves food)
but not his first love i can say!..a great happy-go-lucky bengali babu..plays some super guitar..and my to-be financer for my to-be restaurant in future...at it boy!

b-rat as i always call him and will for he is a brat!..a brainy guy whose fav phrase is "i got 99 in this and that,in this and that"....but nevertheless a fun chap..as i put it a great tomidachi!

dhanuuu..the 'cheeky' boy!..mallu sweetheart and yea my 'brueey-mate'...a great guy..full of life and when i say life i mean philosophies of life!..yup he's a man looking for something..something even he deosnt know..and whne he's tired of knowing what it is he'll watch scrubs!..hehe..my bugs bunny model!!..

wondering why this weird angle for this girl?..well meet my weirdest of all friends krithika...she's a total whacko and great fun!makes me do crazy things and makes me like it after having done them...but i'll always hate korean food ......and you keep that smile on forever!!

that's kika!..a radiant smile and the sweetheart!a louly friend with a louly smile and happy moods!abzolute nut at times i say..but all the more fun then!..love ya!

thats srishti ..jumpy and joyous..can shriek her guts out...and scream so loud that her vocal chords would shiver with fright!...lol..a nice friend..fun to hang out with and a makeover machine!..be the same but scream a lil' less!

triqqy boy!a very tricky boy indeed..a goooood sense of humour and total fun i say ...a fandaastick baay and soooper computer genius!thanks for being a great friend , a.k.a, tomidachi!

gopi..he's created problems for me at g.l.b!..lol..sooper fun fella and a great guy amazing basketball player ..a littil show off but its vokay!..loves gobi pakoda and always asks for treat!..... keep smiling ra!

the trio!..ah its been lovely 15 years of schooling and you guys have been a great support!..all
the good ,bad and ugly times shall remain in our memories!........theres just too much to say and to shorten it...i'll just say this..love you!

Monday, January 29, 2007

karaoke!!!...Cancion Del Mariachi (Morena De Mi Corazon)

try singing along..it's fun!!
Soy un hombre muy honrado, (i am an honerable man )
Que me gusta lo mejor (and i like the same )
A mujeres no me faltan, (i am in no need of women )
Ni al dinero, ni el amor (nor of money or love )

En mi caballo (on my horse )
Por la sierra yo me voy (to the mountain range i go )
Las estrellas y la luna (the stars and the moon )
Ellas me dicen donde voy (tell me where i am going )

Ay, ay, ay, ay ................................
Ay, ay mi amor (ay... my love )
Ay mi morena, (ay my colored woman )
De mi corazon (of my heart )

Me gusta tocar guitarra( i like to play the guitar )
Me gusta cantar el sol( i like to sing the "song" )
Mariachi me acompana( mariachi acompany me )
Quando canto my cancion (when i sing my song )

Me gustan tomar mis copas (i like to drink my cups )
Aguardiente es lo mejor (brandy is the best )
Tanbien la tequilla blanca (as well the white tequilla )
Con su sal le da sabor (with the good taste salt gives it )

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Ay, ay mi amor
Ay mi morena,
De mi corazon

Me gusta tocar guitarra
Me gusta cantar el sol
Mariachi me acompana
Quando canto my cancion

Me gustan tomar mis copas
Aguardiente es lo mejor
Tanbien la tequilla blanca
Con su sal le da sabor

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Ay, ay mi amor
Ay mi morena,
De mi corazon

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Ay, ay mi amor
Ay mi morena,
De mi corazon

song by---LOS LOBOS (desperado-soundtrack)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

"she's looking for something she's never going to find"

Aren't we all looking for something, inspite of knowing ,somewhere deep down ,the very fact that we'll never find it or even get close to?well it's funny you know the world of the mad,only more sophisticated to say "the world of the schizophrenic"...its not as scary as the word sounds!when u've actually seen one..one look and you'll probably think to yourself "she's perfectly fine i could love her just as much..she's purrfect"..but there are some instances that make one shiver with fright,and some which could be very traumatic...its not as easy as you think it is to love someone whose not living in the same world as you are...they have a world of their own..and a world that is quite alive to them as ours is to us!...pretty amusing when you hear someone say "i have 5 children and my husband Joy deep roy (a.k.a Jojo) is waiting for me in Baghdad ..he works for saddam and was the prime minister of Shikhakai"...when you actually try to relate something to what they say..you'll be surprised to realise that it makes the most sense!schizophrenia is incurable almost and to see someone suffer and cry over losing something that they never had or owned..knowing their past..knowing them how they were ..knowing them as someone so happy before .....is the most one can ever feel sad and pathetic about! they live a dream..a dream that just seems so realistic to them ...they get carried away with it..even the people living with them get carried away and then one day..this dream ..simply..and slowly .............................. dissolves!

(article inspired by aparna sen's 15 park avenue)