Saturday, July 01, 2006

the ball and the hair

before you get started on "things" related to the title of my this post ..let me tell you this is a pure vegetarian post..yea..with the fifa fever in air,I noticed a few new "hair"styles this year!David Beckham apart from his footie skills always has an extra something that attracts attention..and for those who don't think its his looks ...its definitely the 'hair'.His blonde locks and mohawks simply attract attention.Every player tries to beautify himself these days..and some of them just do it the right way.I remember watching this match recently where one of the players from trinidad and tobago had the most horrifying look..thanks to his hair!He was dark with the brightest shade of white on his hair!(eww...)But yeah for all the horrible hairstyles we come across we atleast get to see some good football. Its always nice to watch stylish players ...but still at the end of the day the question that sets me thinking is how the hell do these guys handle 'the ball' and 'the hair' so well!?!


priya said...

lol..the ball and the hair. anyway i think ballack looks completely adorable... an his hair as well. somethin abt it, dunno wat..

Dhananjai or dhanu said...

iknow i am a guy but the italian team
oh baby .the whole team is a model fest .(to keep my dignity .i really think adrinna lima is the hottest of em all)

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